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Analysing the Community of Inquiry Model in the Context of Online Learning: A Bibliometric Study
Das, Runu Mani; J. V., Madhusudan
This paper presents a bibliometric analysis of the community of inquiry model in online learning. The study focuses on identifying the most trending topics, most impact authors, most relevant sources, most relevant ...
Posted March 20, 2024

The Design of Digital Learning Environments: Online and Blended Applications of the Community of Inquiry
Cleveland-Innes, Martha F.; Stenbom, Stefan; Garrison, D. Randy
The Design of Digital Learning Environments provides comprehensive guidelines for creating and delivering high-quality online and blended learning experiences in higher education. With increasing numbers of students ...
Posted January 31, 2024

Introduction to the Community of Inquiry theoretical framework
Stenbom, Stefan; Cleveland-Innes, Martha F.
This chapter introduces this book and the Community of Inquiry theoretical framework that underlies the pedagogical applications described in it. We provide an overview of the learning settings described as communities ...
Posted January 31, 2024

A brief history of the Community of Inquiry framework (a personal recollection)
Garrison, D. Randy
This chapter outlines the theoretical genesis of the Community of Inquiry framework. It describes the journey that led to the creation of the framework and then offers insights into possible developments of the ...
Posted January 31, 2024

Evidence-based collaborative and constructivist online design and practice
Richardson, Jennifer C.; Maeda, Yukiko; Caskurlu, Secil; Kozan, Kadir; Swan, Karen
Much of the research on the Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework includes the investigation of course design and instructor practices, yet rarely are these elements reported in enough detail to provide guidance to ...
Posted January 31, 2024

Teaching Presence as a guide for productive design in online and blended learning
Shea, Peter
This chapter reviews concepts in the Community of Inquiry theoretical framework to establish a foundation for exploring relationships between its components. The chapter presents research on the association of Teaching ...
Posted January 31, 2024

Design and facilitation to balance Social, Teaching, and Cognitive Presence
Goda, Yoshiko
This chapter introduces effective instructional design and facilitation strategies for balance and integration of the three forms of presence in a community of inquiry (CoI): Teaching Presence, Social Presence, and ...
Posted January 31, 2024

Fostering student self- and co-regulation in a community of inquiry: development of a Self-Assessment and Praxis Tool
Dell, Debra; Vaughan, Norman
Calls for twenty-first-century learning design and education reform point to the need for digitally-enabled educators to be mindful of whole-person learning. The whole-person learning perspective includes recognition of ...
Posted January 31, 2024

The Community of Inquiry in blended synchronous designs
Heilporn, GĂ©raldine; Lakhal, Sawsen
Blended synchronous courses are characterized by students attending the same session both face-to-face and via digital technologies. Challenges have been identified when it comes to establishing and sustaining a shared ...
Posted January 31, 2024

The Community of Inquiry in international and intercultural settings
Mittelmeier, Jenna; Rienties, Bart
Online and blended learning environments have provided increased opportunities for international and intercultural collaborations across geographic borders. Perhaps more so now than ever before, students are engaging in ...
Posted January 31, 2024

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The Community of Inquiry is a project of Athabasca University, Mount Royal University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and the Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, as well as researchers and members of the CoI community.