Michellea Millis
PROFESSIONFounder/Edupreneur/BIPOC STEMM Activist
COUNTRYUnited States

Michellea has over 21 years in Education and 10 years in Non-Profit Administration. A transplant to the San Antonio, Texas area since 20210, She has led in five states (NJ, NY, FL, TX and LA) and has served in every role except Superintendent. She taught English, Speech, and Writing in grades 7-12 including AP English (both Literature and Composition), and Earth and Life Science in Middle School. Currently, she is the Founder/CEO of BrownSTEM, INC. 501(c)3, which creates innovative learning spaces for college, career and military readiness with a Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, and Medicine focus in underrepresented communities to facilitate the narrowing of the national disparity gap for BIOPC in STEMM fields. One such learning space is CYBER (Community-based Youth Building Engagement & Restoration) LAB is currently being piloted at Davis Middle School with 10 girls of color. Three times a week for one-hour Middle school girls of color are exposed, engaged, and cultivated and nurtured by sustaining interest in STEMM alongside facilitators from industry, non-profit, military, and community business owners. She has piloted CYBERLAB in Florida and Texas.

She also is an Educational Consultant in her own LLC, Transforming Our Practice. Some of her leadership initiatives include; Founding Board Member for the Barack Obama Green Charter HS which included raising over 10,000 in one night; Project Director under the auspices of United Way in creating a start-up non-profit organization, Good Beginnings, from research to reality; leading as a change agent, Monticello School District into Small Learning Communities that increased high school graduation numbers; facilitated the transformation of teacher and leader effectiveness and development of high performing school cultures with her expertise as a trained Instructional and Leadership Coach and Professional Developer/Trainer.

She has a BA Degree in Organizational Management, MS in Managerial Leadership, Post-Graduate Studies in Leadership and Data at Harvard, and A.B.D. in Educational Leadership. Recently, she was featured in the September 2020 edition of the Excelligent Magazine as a Global Education Influencer. She is a 4.0 Schools Alumni, Raise Your Hand Texas Alumni, Education Pioneers Alumni, and Harvard Graduate School of Education Alumni. Michellea considers herself an Eduprenuer/STEMM Activist dismantling and reengineering schools and learning spaces that are designed to narrow the disparity and opportunity gaps for BIPOC students in underrepresented communities and STEMM fields. She has 2 grown daughters in NJ, loves to travel abroad, watch foreign films and documentaries, and spin vinyl records.

bipoc stemm, dei, cop's

Mark Coleman
Joined October 20, 2024
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Management Consultant / Postgraduate Researcher, Lancaster University Management School
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Tzepin Wang
Joined October 10, 2024
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Michael Free
Joined October 6, 2024
University Lecturer, Chuncheon National University of Education

Liz Dempsey Lee
Joined October 1, 2024
Quincy College
The Community of Inquiry is a project of Athabasca University, Mount Royal University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and the Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, as well as researchers and members of the CoI community.