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Professor Emeritus, University of Calgary
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Professor, Athabasca University
Interim Head and Visiting Researcher, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
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Professor, Mount Royal University
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Associate Professor, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
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The Community of Inquiry is seeking active members to represent CoI research in their disciplines. If you would like to volunteer as a CoI champion for your discipline, please contact Dr. Marti Cleveland-Innes.


The Community of Inquiry includes 609 members from 76 countries.



This is an informal opportunity to get to know fellow members of the Community of Inquiry and find others with similar interests or working on similar projects. If you are not yet a member, register here.

Branislav Bédi · 2 weeks ago
Hello everyone,
I'd like to introduce myself to the community here. I am a project manager and researcher at the Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies in Reykjavík, Iceland. While pursuing my doctorate in education degree, I came across the CoI framework, which well supports the theoretical foundation for my topic of enquiry - online education, specifically online teaching of Icelandic as a second language. I decided to use the CoI as an overarching theoretical framework in my research because well describes the phenomenon of online teaching incl. interaction, community building, networking, and learning, within online classes as virtual interim learning spaces. The research is qualitative in nature involving interviews with 20 teachers. I look forward to sharing my result when the research has been finalised.
Joe Gollner · 3 months ago
Hello CoI Community.
I am Joe Gollner from beautiful Victoria BC. I am a semi-retired businessman / technology entrepreneur who has somehow come to make postgraduate research in Management, and more specifically Management Education, my twisted version of retirement. In these inquiries, I came upon, and have been digging into, the Community of Inquiry model. Worse, I have started to settle it into a variety of management frameworks and thereby concocting a Management Community of Inquiry model, which I am tempted to call a Business Community of Inquiry so its acronym can be B-CoI. Part of my rationale for joining this community is to see just how much trouble I might be getting myself into...
D. Randy Garrison · 3 months ago
I see no reason why this would not work. I would encourage you to explore this further.
Damilare · 7 months ago
Hello community,
I'm Dami, a student of Political Science and International Relations. From Osun State University, Nigeria. I saw this community, because I was in search of a community that would help improve my knowledge, and might get to meet students like me who wants to get better in their various courses and be the best they could be in representing their schools. I seek for knowledge, that's why I'm here in search of it. I want to be better.
Marije Lesterhuis · 7 months ago
Hey all,
I am an assistant professor at the University Medical Centre Utrecht, the Netherlands. I am interested in the framework, as my PhD student in Kenya is using it in his PhD research. He is looking into online and blended learning. We've found already some work within medical education, but have not found much yet on whether the framework is used to interview/ survey faculty in whether or not they use the elements in their course design, the extent they feel self efficacy to implement, .. Any thoughts or recommends? Additionally, are there studies in which students might have filled in the questionnaire for different courses? I'm curious about the statistical analysis used in that case.
Kind regards, Marije Lesterhuis
D. Randy Garrison · 7 months ago
Not sure I can be of much direct help. There is considerable research on faculty development if that would help.
There is extensive research where faculty have used the CoI framework to design online learning experiences.
Finally, I am not clear as to your question regarding different courses. the framework has been applied to a variety of disciplinary contexts.
Sorry I cannot be of much help. Perhaps others can be of assistance.
Lailaturrahmi · 6 months ago
Hi Marije,

I am not sure if this addresses your question, but this tool may help: Teacher Self-Assessment and Exploration Tool:
Edward Crutchleo · 2 weeks ago
noted with appreciation
Audrey · 1 year ago
I'm interested in the evolution of the framework and the changes it's undergone from its first inception in 2000 to how it was illustrated in the third edition of E-Learning in the 21st Century (2017). Specifically the addition of the outermost circle and the shift from "selected content" to "regulated learning". Are there any articles where this is discussed?
D. Randy Garrison · 1 year ago
Hi Audrey,
Although I had researched self-directed/regulated learning early in my career, it was a research project by another scholar that suggested integrating a self-directed learning element into the CoI framework that precipitated our work on self and co-regulation. I found a couple of fundamental issues with this approach. The following article should give you some sense of how this evolved. I also have a chapter that provides a broader perspective on the evolution of the CoI framework and the shared MC construct. Unfortunately this is not available but will be published soon.
Garrison, D. R. (2022). Shared Metacognition in a Community of Inquiry. Online Learning Journal, 26(1).
Garrison, D. R. (2023). A brief history and future of the Community of Inquiry framework (A personal recollection). In Cleveland-Innes, Stenbom & Garrison, (Eds.), The Design of Digital Learning Environments: Online and Blended Applications of the Community of Inquiry. London: Routledge.
I would be pleased to answer any follow-up questions you may have.
FA Triatmoko HS · 1 year ago
Greetings from Indonesia!

My name is Triatmoko. I'm a Ph.D. student at Universitas Indonesia. I've known the CoI framework for quite some time. My master's thesis uses CoI as a basis for intervention, to support higher education student's critical thinking development. I hope to study more about CoI for my Ph.D program.
Vicky Aglae · 1 year ago
My name is Vicky Aglae. I am currently teaching Mathematics and Sciences at Primary 5 & 6 levels, of which has been my field of expertise for the last 13 years. I am fascinated by modern technology and plays an active role in the inclusion of ICT in my school institution.

Looking forward to interact with you all!

Jane Howley · 1 year ago
My name is Jane Howley and I have been working in education since 1994 when I started teaching EFL in Salvador Brazil. Currently I am doing a Masters Degree with the Open University in Online Teaching and working on a collaborative piece of research to make field trips more accessible.
Marcy McCarty · 1 year ago
My name is Marcy McCarty. I am the associate dean for the school of graduate and professional studies at a small private college where all programs are online. I am completing my doctorate degree in performance improvement leadership, focusing my research on the quality of faculty engagement in the online learning environment. I wonder how I seek permission to use the community of inquiry model in my written work. Any insight is appreciated.

Many thanks,
Dan Wilton · 1 year ago
Welcome to the CoI community, Marcy!

Wherever possible, we've put resources under a Creative Commons ShareAlike license, which allows you use, for example, the CoI framework diagram or the CoI Survey in your work as long as its attributed back to this website and any modifications noted. You'll find downloadable versions of the diagram, survey, or shared metacognition diagram on their subpages under the About CoI tab.

So, for example, if you want to use the CoI framework diagram, you'd have a caption like:

Community of Inquiry framework. Diagram from The Community of Inquiry (, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 International License (

You can shorten that by listing the license as "CC BY-SA 4.0". If you make any modifications (changing words, colours, etc., you'd include a line detailing those modifications.

And then, when you've completed your dissertation or published your research, let us know so it can be added to the repository!
Marcy McCarty · 1 year ago
Hello Dan!

Many thanks for addressing my question! When I am done, I would be happy to share!

Thank you!
Lora B. Pezzell · 1 year ago
Hello, my name is Lora Pezzell, M.A., M.S., I am an instructional designer at the University of Central Oklahoma. We use the CoI framework when we are training our faculty about how to teach courses online. I find it is a very helpful model.
DEVINE MURERI · 1 year ago
Hie Fellow.
I am Devine Mureri From Zimbabwe .
I am Studying BCOM HONS (FINANCIAL DEGREE) at Great Zimbabwe University so , i am interested in taking some of the Survey's at my school under your influence.
Kathleen Norris PhD · 1 year ago
My name is Kathleen Norris. I retired as an elementary school principal three years ago after 40 years of experience as a teacher, administrator, and professional development manager. I am currently a contributing faculty member at Walden University. I recently worked with a team to build an online community of care using the community of inquiry framework (Garrison et al., 2021). I am interested in exploring using the model to expand our work and engage in research. I used Garrison's et al. (2001) four-four stage cognitive-processing model many years ago when I wrote my dissertation. My dissertation explored knowledge construction and knowledge transfer in online professional development. I would love to have the opportunity to meet with Dr. Garrison or his colleagues to discuss the model we are building.
Kathleen Norris, PhD
Gemma Mitchelson · 1 year ago
Hello everyone
My name is Gemma and I am studying a Doctorate in Education. I am really keen to use the Shared Metacognition Questionnaire as one tool for gathering data but I cannot find any information on how to implement it? Is a 6-point likert scale used and if so, what are the measurements used e.g. strongly agree? How are the subscales calculated?
Thank you in anticipation
Dan Wilton · 1 year ago
Welcome to the CoI community, Gemma!
While others will be able to give more detailed guidance than I on the Shared Metacognition Questionnaire, Vaughan and Wah (2022 - linked below) describes one implementation. It's a 5-point Likert scale (1=strongly disagree; 5=strongly agree), shown in Appendix A.
But Shared Metacognition is a very interesting research area and the questionnaire's implementation details may be a larger question worthy of its own forum, where you might begin by receiving guidance but then share your own recommendations and experience as you continue with your research. If you would like to initiate a dedicated forum for this, log in and look for the "Open a New Topic" on the Discussions page.
Vaughan and Wah, 2002:
Gemma Mitchelson · 1 year ago
Thank you so much Dan. I will certainly do so :)
Cliona Jane Chadwick · 1 year ago
My name is Cliona Chadwick. I am a student of the MA in Technical Communication and E-Learning at the University of Limerick.
I am very interested in learning more about this community.
Thank you very much.
D. Randy Garrison · 1 year ago
Welcome. I would be pleased to answer any questions you might have.
Gilbert DUSHIMIMANA · 1 year ago
Goodevening to every one!
My name is Gilbert DUSHIMIMANA, I live in Kigali, Rwanda.
I am a chemistry teacher in secondary school.
I hold bachelor degree in chemistry with education.
i am really interested in education to contribute a lot to my country development.

Thank you so much!
Daijiro Goto · 2 years ago
Hi everyone.
I am an associate professor at a graduate school of teaching. I am studying face-to-face classes in Japanese elementary school science classes and higher education. I believe and hope the work will help many educators.
Stefan Stenbom · 2 years ago
Hi Daijiro! Welcome to the website. Looking forward to further discussions.
Tshireletso Philemon Kgosiemang · 2 years ago
Hi everyone. I am an educational leader who is interested in venturing into the area of research particularly in education. I,m willing to partner with others so as as to learn more from them. I,m a Master of Education Degree holder.
Stefan Overton · 2 years ago
Hi everyone,

Great to see this site, I am currently working on my PhD looking at how personalised learning can be carried out using the CoI as a framework within a blended study mode. Hoping that the work may help other educators to understand how to develop a personalised learning strategy.

Currently looking at further developing my literature review and methodology so any further thoughts would be welcomed.
James A. Allen · 2 years ago
Greetings everyone. COL is basically in the learning domain, however, is it possible to assess or measure entry level skills in social presence, particularly affective behaviors to determine how well the student will do initially in a course. I understand that affective behaviors are effective until the COL becomes more of a cohesive unit. Could the entry assessment include visual cues, vocal intonation, respect, welcome, expressing feelings, content of messages, humor, and self-disclosure as in the learning process.
Dan Wilton · 2 years ago
Welcome, James!

You're exploring some very interesting territory here. The intersection between the Community of Inquiry and learning analytics is likely to become an important research area over the next few years - as is the area of affective, emotional, or "multimodal" learning analytics itself, as you describe it. As far as I know, most of the learning analytics research following the CoL framework tends to focus on natural language processing of messages, which can include content, syntax, and potentially some of the more sentiment-analytic items in your list such as humour. What I hear you describing is a broader, more integrative model.

There are potentially some theoretical tensions to consider. The Community of Inquiry framework, as you would expect, emphasizes the learning community - the level of social presence achieved across the community, for example - whereas predictive analytics typically emphasizes the individual learner. Related to this is a possible tension between learning analytics' roots in behaviourism versus the more social constructivist CoI framework.

If so, then to bring the two together likely means being particularly careful about what's being measured, what the unit of analysis is, and so on. The learner is one potentially-predictable system (a common focus of learning analytics); the community might be another potentially-predictable system; but the interaction between the two is a larger system unto itself. How successful a learner is in one community might or might not be predictive of how successful she is in another, and it might or might not translate to traditional metrics like grades or completion. But of course, complications like that usually lead to important research opportunities.
Faith Mlotsa-Mngomezulu · 2 years ago
Sending my greetings to everyone. I am an education practitioner from Southern Africa Nazarene University who is mainly interested in a socio-constructivist approach to education in Higher Education. With the increase in unemployment I am realizing that creativity and innovation which is an element of construction is closely related to developing entrepreneurial mindsets. I am planning to adopt the CoI framework in exploring in-service students' learning practices in Higher Education.
Rick Holbeck · 2 years ago
Good afternoon from Phoenix, AZ. I am at the beginning stages of a doctoral program and have been interested in the CoI Framework. I have recently read about the construct of shared metacognition and saw that there seems to be a large gap in this area. Can someone tell me how I can view a copy of the Shared Metacognition Questionnaire to begin planning? Is this an open source questionnaire? Any help or guidance is much appreciated!
Dan Wilton · 2 years ago
Welcome to the CoI community, Rick!

Yes, shared metacognition (and the closely related [socially] shared regulation of learning, see eg. Sanna Jarvela and colleagues) is a key piece of the CoI picture and I'm sure will be an important research area over the next few years. As it stands, it can be a challenging concept to get your head around, but it's a fascinating one.

On this site, the Shared MC Questionnaire is here:

The questionnaire is discussed in Garrison and Akyol, 2015. That article isn't open, but you can access it through ResearchGate:

If you'd like to start a full discussion around Shared MC, I'd suggest opening a special thread for it on the Discussions page - I'm sure there are others working on it as well. Dr. Garrison has also been writing about it in the Editorials.
Rick Holbeck · 2 years ago
Thank you so much!
Heather Saigo · 2 years ago
Hello! I am a doctoral student in education, in the process of focusing my dissertation questions. I am curious about whether a Discord community constitutes a Community of Inquiry. Perhaps I will do a qualitative evaluation of online interactions to determine whether they fit the CoI framework. Still working on specific research questions and methodology. I have been searching for previous work at the intersection of the Discord platform and CoI, but haven't found much yet. Any suggestions are appreciated! Thank you!
Heather Saigo · 2 years ago
Oh, I have been wondering about this and maybe someone here has insight. A Community of Inquiry can form without a formal set-up and instructor/leader? I feel like I've participated in CoI that took shape organically among a group of learners, but I'm not sure whether that fits the model. What do you think?
Dan Wilton · 2 years ago
Welcome to the CoI community, Heather!

You might be interested in some of the ideas being explored by Terry Anderson and Jon Dron potentially to bridge the gap between more formal, deliberately planned communities of inquiry and informal "sets" or "networks" of learners. Dr. Anderson's blog post below might be a good place to start, where he introduces sets and the possibility of a "learner presence".
Heather Saigo · 2 years ago
Hi Dan!

Thank you for the welcome and the insight. I will check out that post for sure!

Martha Cleveland-Innes · 2 years ago
Hi Heather!

Great question. Leadership in any group can be informal, shared, and emergent. In education, connectivism tries to get to this. These ideas may start your review of this issue.

Corbett, F., & Spinello, E. (2020). Connectivism and leadership: harnessing a learning theory for the digital age to redefine leadership in the twenty-first century. Heliyon, 6(1), e03250.

Przybilla, L., Wiesche, M., & Krcmar, H. (2019, June). Emergent leadership in agile teams--an initial exploration. In Proceedings of the 2019 on Computers and People Research Conference (pp. 176-179).

M. Cleveland-Innes
Heather Saigo · 2 years ago
Hi Martha!

Thank you for those references. I am adding them to my reading list right now. I appreciate your help!

Ibrahim Garba · 2 years ago
Hello everyone from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia!
I'm a Higher Education doctoral student at University of Liverpool in good old United Kingdom 💕! I look forward to sharing part of my thesis with you. I'm looking at ways to improve teaching and learning using the CoI framework 👍.
Martha Cleveland-Innes · 2 years ago
Hello Ibrahim!

Welcome to our log and repository. We look forward to hearing about your CoI research and the results.

Lintang Matahari Hasani · 2 years ago
Hello everyone, warmest greetings from Indonesia!
I'm a lecturer and researcher at the Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia. I am looking forward to contribute in the implementation of CoI, especially in the fields of computer science education. I am excited to be a part of this amazing community! ^^
Kristin Millard · 2 years ago
Hi, everyone. I am a Higher Education Leadership doctoral student at Maryville University in St. Louis, MO. My dissertation is a mixed-method study on the persistence of international students who study online while living in their home countries. I am using CoI as my framework. I am just beginning my research, and I am curious if the CoI survey instrument has been adapted to a universal application rather than applying to one specific course.
Diana Gobin · 2 years ago
Greetings for my native land, the Cooperative Republic of Guyana in South America. I am a lecturer at the University of Guyana in the School of Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation. I have been teaching for fourteen years in higher education. I look forward to the connections formed through this CoI.
Tristan Cui · 2 years ago
Hi all, I am from Monash University in Australia. I have always been interested in the application and research of the CoI framework since I read about it several years ago. Just submitted my first journal article related to CoI. I am looking forward to meeting colleagues and learning more about the current research in this area.
Valarie Kerr-Davis · 2 years ago
Hello everyone, I am from a beautiful island in the Caribbean named St. Lucia. I am an Elementary teacher for twenty-four years. I enjoy doing online classes and always look forward to learn something new. I am looking forward also to meet persons from all across the world here so we can share common interests and goals.
Dr Tommie Hamaluba · 2 years ago
Nice meeting you too. I am Dr Tommie Hamaluba from Botswana Open University's centre for Open Schooling where I serve as a programme Developer. I look forward to meeting many colleagues, especially those attached to any Open Schooling Environment.
Timothy Berg · 3 years ago
I am currently working at Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico-San Antonio, a satellite education institute of Mexico National University. However, I have just started an online EdD in Organizational Leadership at the University of Dayton-Ohio and working on my research project for Research Methods. I discovered this CoI framework through Timonen et al (DOI: 10.1177/1834490921991430) in which they built off the CoI framework to develop a preliminary model of Coaching Pedagogy for Synchronous Collaborative Online Learning. The intent is to conduct action research at UNAM using CoI and the CPSCOL frameworks to evaluate its effectiveness.
Wawan Krismanto · 3 years ago
Hi everyone, i am lecturer and doctoral student from Indonesia. I am interested on online teacher professional learning. I am really excited to see someone with a similar research focus. I will investigate are basically designed using the CoI framework in the Indonesian teachers online leaning communities. I am excited to be in this group!
Jean Smith · 3 years ago
Hi! I am a baccalaureate nursing instructor at Red Deer College and a student in the Athabasca University Doctor of Education in Distance Education (EDDE) program. I am passionate about educating novice nurses about rural acute care nursing and generating knowledge about how professional development in a blended learning format supports rural acute care nursing practice.
Lora B. Pezzell · 3 years ago
Hello everyone! My name is Lora Pezzell. I am an instructional designer at the University of Central Oklahoma, in Edmond, Oklahoma. I am passionate about helping faculty design online courses with humanizing and pedagogies of kindness. I am excited to be in this group!
Michellea Millis · 3 years ago
Greetings and Salutations everyone! Excited to be a member of this community!
Steve A. Solano · 3 years ago
Hi! My name is Steve. I'm from the Philippines but currently teaching in Seoul, South Korea. I'm now using the CoI framework for my AR project.
Andrea E. Blair · 3 years ago
Hi Everyone!
My name is A.E. Blair. I am an educator and doctoral student in the United States. My current research focus is Online Math Instruction in grades 9-12 during Covid and am use CoI as my theoretical framework. I am interested in a qualitative approach and qualitative instruments that can be used for focus groups and/or interviews.
Suzanne Szucs · 3 years ago
I am an educator and Faculty Online Training facilitator at Rochester Community and Technical College in Rochester MN. With a MFA in studio art (photography), I have taught in the arts since 1995. In 2018 I was awarded an MS in Technology Integration from St. Cloud State University and have been using my training to further the online education experience for students and faculty at my institution. I developed the Faculty Online Training (FOT) course as faculty development, which came in particularly handy when CoVid forced all instructors online. My goal is to encourage community amongst faculty to lift up our collective skill sets.
Carla Samuel · 3 years ago
Hello! I am a Master's student interested in investigating the CoI framework using chatbots. I am interested in extending the studies of the CoI in imaginative ways to help student motivation and persistence in distance education and online environments.
William Flynn · 3 years ago
Hi, I'm a doctor and anatomy educator from the UK, and recently published an account of how our department applied the CoI framework when moving our teaching online due to the pandemic:
Ozlem Uzun · 4 years ago
My name is Ozlem from Turkey. I am an English teacher and have been doing my job for 19 years. I finished my MA in July, 2019 and doing my PhD in distance education and love doing research and learning. My research interests are material and course design, learning communities, language teaching and educational psychology. Searching and learning about CoI and Covid time made me think that 21st century skills are essential and there is no time or space barrier anymore.Happy to be here.
Lorelei Hanson · 4 years ago
Hello everyone. I found this network site through taking a MOOC in Quality Graduate Supervision. I am an Associate Professor of Environmental Studies and Human Geography at Athabasca University, where well before COVID I was teaching entirely on-line. Some of my interest in this community arises out of my on-going learning and integration of an andragogical approach to course development and evaluation in my courses. I am interested in how this can be integrated with a CoI approach.
Elizabeth A. Ebersole · 4 years ago
Hello! I am a doctoral candidate in Seattle Pacific University’s Digital Education Leadership EdD program. My research interests include technology infusion at all levels of education and especially how teacher education programs are preparing preservice teachers to successfully evaluate and use technology in their future classrooms. Right now I am completing my dissertation, which will focus on faculty and student response to emergency remote online learning during COVID-19. I am using the CoI framework and survey for my study. All thoughts and advice welcome!
Andrea E. Blair · 3 years ago
Hi Elizabeth,
I am currently researching a similar focus. I am completing my dissertation with a focus on teacher perception of their online instructional practice during Covid-19. Do you have any suggestions or tips for a qualitative approach and building a qualitative instrument for focus groups? I am really excited to see someone with a similar research focus.
Niki Raga Tantri · 4 years ago
Hello everyone! I am Niki Raga Tantri. I am an online tutor at English Literature Department, Indonesia Open University, namely Universitas Terbuka. I was introduced to CoI Framework when I learned it in a workshop for a MOOC online facilitator in my country in 2017. It was fascinating since the framework is suitable with the condition for distance learning styles compared to the other framework. I am very excited to learn in depth about CoI framework and hopefully we can collaborate together regarding the development of CoI framework toward distance learning.

Best wishes,
Obasesam Okoi · 4 years ago
My name is Dr. Obasesam Okoi, an Assistant Professor of Justice and Peace Studies. I specialize in post-conflict peacebuilding policies and practices, and the connection between technology, social justice and peace. I would be teaching Intro to Justice and Peace Studies in Fall 2020 using a CoFlex synchronous model. I will be incorporating the CoI model in my teaching.
Dr. Travis Taylor · 4 years ago
My name is Dr. Travis Taylor. I am an instructional technology specialist in Little Rock, Ar. I provide professional development and technology integration support to teachers and administrators. I was introduced to the Community of Inquiry Framework during my doctoral studies. I am interested in developing professional development for teachers to respond to the need for blended learning design.
Jacquelyn Christy · 4 years ago
Hi. My name is Jackie Christy and I am from Southern California. I am currently in Educational Doctoral program at the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College at Arizona State University. I am employed as an elementary school principal at a small Title 1 school here in Orange County.

My dissertation interest is on the effects of students with emotion dysregulation on teacher efficacy and health and well being in the general education classroom. However, I have recently been working with a mentor at a local college and have become quite interested in student engagement in online learning. For this reason, the Community of Inquiry theory is a concept I seek to learn more about.
Eva Kaczko · 4 years ago
My name is Eva Kaczko, I am a university assistant and PhD candidate at the University of Innsbruck in Austria. I have a Master of Science degree in Business Education (a specific profession in German speaking countries). My dissertation is guided by the overarching question of how Learning Analytics can be applied in online courses in a pedagogically and didactically meaningful and ethically considered way. The online courses I will investigate are basically designed using the CoI framework.

Furthermore, I have just started working on a project at the university UMIT in Austria, which will investigate how the different CoI presences can be supported with real-time student and teacher dashboards. I will focus on the cognitive presence within the project from a didactic and pedagogical perspective. I am still looking for more detailed research questions for my dissertation and am currently reading the publications on cognitive presence listed on the websites and

Warm regards,
Adam Neufield EdD · 4 years ago
Hi folks.

My name is Adam Neufield and I've just this year transitioned into a researcher/consultant role with an education group in China (Xiehe Education Group). I had previously held a leadership role (principal) at one of our international school campuses in Shanghai, and prior to that, have held a variety of educational roles (chemistry/general science teacher, director of marketing & admissions, university and careers guidance counsellor, head of school) at international schools in Shanghai, China and Jakarta, Indonesia.

I obtained my doctorate at the University of Bath (UK) only recently (July 2019) and I am eager to dive into new research projects! Due to the COVID-19 situation here, our Chinese students have moved into a completely online education environment. Thus, my great interest in the CoI model and its applicability to analyzing their transition into an online education. I am very new to this model so I have much to learn! :)

It is great to meet all of you, and I look forward to learning and collaborating with you.
Jen Laubscher · 5 years ago
My name is Jen Laubscher. I am an instructional designer in Central New York State. I have been an instructional designer for about 3 years, starting with positions at Cornell University and Johns Hopkins University. I am now employed at the State College of NY at Oswego. My major educational interests include engagement, community and rigorous interaction with content in online and blended courses, as well as providing exceptional faculty development through workshops, courses and consultations. I am a certified elementary teacher in NY, and made the move to higher education three years ago, after being in K-12 for 18 years.
Zaheer · 5 years ago
I am Zaheer from Pakistan but right now living in Barcelona.
I have worked as director staff training (TVET teachers and principals) in Pakistan for five years. I have also worked as a researcher at Dokuz Elyul University, Izmir, Turkey; Aalto University, Helsinki; and the University of Helsinki, Finland. I have a Ph.D. in Entrepreneurship Education. I was working as an Assistant Professor in Pakistan. I have supervised 40 master's thesis. Currently, 5 Ph.D. students are working under my supervision in special needs education, educational leadership, and management studies. I am on study leave from my Pakistani university.

I am currently working as a researcher in the department of ICT education in the University of Catalonia, Spain. I wish to develop the ICT based networks for the community of inquires development of the educationists for inclusive education, environmental change, and human rights.
Joyce Kraus · 5 years ago
Hello, I am brand new to the CoI community and am a first-year doctoral student at the University of St. Thomas St. Paul, MN in the Doctor of Social Work program.
I am interested in using the CoI model in my dissertation work, to examine engaging a diverse student body in acclimating to the social work profession but, in particular, students from more rural, predominantly white communities. I believe the CoI model addresses the needed cultural aspects of engaging with differences that these students, specifically, will encounter.
Have you seen the CoI model used in this context in the past? Thank you in advance and I am very excited to have this site as a resource moving forward.
Joyce Kraus
Karin Barac · 6 years ago

I'm currently doing a PhD investigation into the connection between pedagogy and technology in academic design and delivery practices from staff and student perspectives. I'm using CoI (and TPACK) for my analytic frameworks and have realised that while both frameworks include context as a component I can't seem to find much previous research in the realm of CoI......

I'm wondering if anyone here can point me to any research that look into the contextual influences that support/hinder the creation and facilitation of a community of inquiry?

Cheers, Karin
Mariángeles Castro Sánchez · 6 years ago
Estimados, soy Mariángeles Castro, profesora de la Universidad Austral, Argentina. Me encuentro trabajando en una investigación sobre compromiso académico en educación superior desde la percepción de los estudiantes, enfocando en la dimensión presencial social del modelo CoI.
Dirijo la carrera de Orientación Familiar, dictada en modalidad blended.
Encantada de participar en este foro y enriquecer nuestro estudio desde las diferentes perspectivas de abordaje de los colegas.
Peter Shukie · 6 years ago
Hi, I am Peter Shukie and I work in Education Studies at a college-based Higher Education institute in the UK. I completed a PhD at Lancaster University in Technology Enhanced Learning and e-research and I am interested in the ways we can use technology to promote and enable social justice. My work involves lecturing and the creation/ development of Community Open Online Courses ( I am attracted to the breadth of engagement offered by CoI and hope to learn more in the company of you all.
Bernard Kimani · 6 years ago

I am currently a PhD candidate whose interests lie in Online Education, Distance LEarning, E-Learning, Blended LEarning, IT-enabled learning

Have been engaged in Higher Education teaching for the last 10 years. 4 years ago, i came across the CoI and am interested in how it could be tested in multiple contexts and learning environments to the end that we develop critical thinking, specifically in online education/e-learning.
Bernard, Africa International University, Kenya.
Maria O'Donovan · 6 years ago
I am delighted to have found this community! Am especially interested in the Community of Inquiry model and especially in relation to MOOCs.

I am working as a Research Assistant at Aarhus University.
Dr. Alexander Osondu Akpodiete · 7 years ago
Hello everyone. I am new in the community. I am an IT & Cyber Security Consultant, Subject Matter Expert (SME), Mediator & Conflict Coach, Educator & Trainer and certified Project Management Professional (PMP)®, with a varied inter-disciplinary education and experience. Certifications include Information Security & Assurance, A+, Security+, certified PMP®. I have taught law in the US and Nigeria. Currently, teaching IT courses here in the US.
Chan Chang-Tik · 7 years ago
Hello everybody, I am a new member of the community. I would like to share my recent article on CoI and learning styles. It is published in the Interactive Learning Environments Journal (

I welcome comments from the learned community.

Elahe Solimani · 7 years ago
Hello everybody. I am an EFL teacher and I've been teaching English in an EFL context for about 10 years.
Rick Henderson · 7 years ago
Hello everyone! I am a part-time faculty member at Wilfrid Laurier University where I've been teaching computer concepts and applications (computer literacy) as well as Excel VBA programming for over 16 years.

I'm making a move into education training or educational technology but I enjoy participating in the scholarship of teaching and learning and helping faculty members do a better job at reaching their students.
Norm Vaughan · 7 years ago

Welcome to the CoI Blog Community!!

Great to hear about your interest in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL).

Do you have any previous experience using the CoI framework in your teaching practice?

All the best, Norm Vaughan
Martha Cleveland-Innes · 7 years ago
Hi Rick!

Welcome to our multi-authored blog! Please share your views on the topics raised here. We'd also like to hear more about what you are doing to help "faculty members do a better job at reaching their students."



Edward Crutchleo
Joined February 2, 2025
Antioch University

Branislav Bédi
Joined January 24, 2025
Project Manager / Researcher, The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies
Branislav has a PhD in Second Language Studies from the University of Iceland and is currently working as a project manager at the

Jill Giacomini
Joined January 16, 2025
University of Colorado Denver

Yassine AAMOU
Joined January 12, 2025
University Mohamed 1st Oujda

Qing Li
Joined December 23, 2024
lecturer, University College London
The Community of Inquiry is a project of Athabasca University, Mount Royal University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and the Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, as well as researchers and members of the CoI community.