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Students' support of their own and other students' process of inquiry in an online chat system
Created October 13, 2022 by Malin Jansson
As a part of this doctoral thesis students’ teaching presence were studied. The purpose of the thesis has been to explore how students support their own and other students' process of inquiry while engaging in online tutoring sessions, as well as to stu
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Supporting Discourse using Technology-Mediated Communication: The Community of Inquiry Model in Second Level Education
Created May 18, 2017 by Adrian O'Connor, Niall Seery, Donal Canty
In Ireland, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) reported that in 2012, 98% of 15-year-old pupils have at least one computer at home, but only 64% of pupils reported that they use a computer, laptop, or tablet at school.
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9 replies · Latest 3 years ago by Lindie
Which level is the second level?

LACOI: Representation of a Community of Inquiry in Cooperative Online-based Courses through Learning Analytics
Created September 23, 2020 by Lisa-Maria Norz, Elske Ammenwerth, Werner Hackl, Verena Dornauer, Eva Kaczko
The Private University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology UMIT TIROL (
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Use of the Community of Inquiry (CoI) model in the analysis and evaluation of courses at UNED (Spain)
Created March 26, 2018 by Inés Gil-Jaurena
The project (March-December 2018) analyzed the educational practices in 25 courses delivered at UNED (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia), Spain, using the"Community of Inquiry" (CoI) framework. The aim was to set recommendations based on the
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Recent learning development activities
Created January 8, 2018 by Martha Cleveland-Innes

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Faculty development and the Community of Inquiry at Oregon Health and Science University School of Nursing
Last active 6 years ago
iMOOCs and Learning to Learn Online
Last active 6 years ago
Layering the Community of Inquiry Framework with Signature Pedagogies
Last active 7 years ago
Best Practices in Blended Learning: Developing a Community of Professors and Students through Bricks and Clicks
Last active 7 years ago


Lindie on Supporting Discourse using Technology-Mediated Communication: The Community of Inquiry Model in Second Level Education
3 years ago
Which level is the second level?

Annette Garner on Faculty development and the Community of Inquiry at Oregon Health and Science University School of Nursing
6 years ago
It' been so much fun working on this project. I so appreciate Marti's support and guidance. Here openness and sense of humor invite true collegial exchange of ideas. And I've keep learning and exploring my expression of CoI in courses, as well as returning to the framework to help me guide learning activity ...

Rick Henderson on Supporting Discourse using Technology-Mediated Communication: The Community of Inquiry Model in Second Level Education
6 years ago
Very interesting project Adrian. I'm very interested in the learning protocols you mention so I'll definitely be looking in to your research.

Martha Cleveland-Innes on Supporting Discourse using Technology-Mediated Communication: The Community of Inquiry Model in Second Level Education
7 years ago
Thank you again, Adrian, for being the first to post a project on our new multi-authored blog. At recent workshops I've given on the CoI to faculty, discussion about levels of teaching presence has come up. Perhaps we could discuss your findings and how they can inform novice online/blended instructors' ...

Adrian O'Connor on Supporting Discourse using Technology-Mediated Communication: The Community of Inquiry Model in Second Level Education
7 years ago
Hi Mary, Learning protocols are potential support tools from which teachers and pupils may select from to indicate what they consider useful (Wessner et al. 1999). At any time, pupils may choose from a menu of specific protocols which are then activated. These protocols are not forced onto the pupils but are an ...

Adrian O'Connor on Supporting Discourse using Technology-Mediated Communication: The Community of Inquiry Model in Second Level Education
7 years ago
Hi Hari, If you would like to get in contact my email is:

Adrian O'Connor on Supporting Discourse using Technology-Mediated Communication: The Community of Inquiry Model in Second Level Education
7 years ago
Thanks Randy for your comments and your interest in this project. The results from the transcript analysis and frequency of codes assigned by element revealed that indicators of social presence had been assigned to 30% of all interactions. The findings indicated that participant activity occurred mostly in the ...

Hari Prasad Nepal on Supporting Discourse using Technology-Mediated Communication: The Community of Inquiry Model in Second Level Education
7 years ago
Hi Adrin, I am interested in your project! you raise a very practical issue. I will be more than happy to work in your research team. Regards, Hari

D. Randy Garrison on Supporting Discourse using Technology-Mediated Communication: The Community of Inquiry Model in Second Level Education
7 years ago
First let me thank Adrian, Niall and Donal for sharing this important project. I am very interested in the context of this study; that is, the extent and influence of face-to-face interaction. This seems to be related to “‘learning protocols’, as both a pedagogical and technological approach for supporting ...

Mary Elizabeth McNabb on Supporting Discourse using Technology-Mediated Communication: The Community of Inquiry Model in Second Level Education
7 years ago
Hi Adrian, This is fascinating work. Having taught high school in Canada (your second level education) and as a doctoral candidate researching teaching presence in two un-paced undergraduate courses on the Landing at Athabasca U., I'm interested in what you mean by learning protocols. Would you address just what ...
The Community of Inquiry is a project of Athabasca University, Mount Royal University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and the Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, as well as researchers and members of the CoI community.