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Redesigning a Foreign Language Class Based on the Community of Inquiry Model: Students' Learning Success and Satisfaction with an Online Course
Song, Jayoung

Type of workArticle
JournalThe Korean Language in America
Volume 25, Issue 1, Pages 29-54
CountryUnited States

The global outbreak of COVID-19 substantially changed foreign language classrooms, from the design to the implementation of the lessons. Most of the L2 classes, originally designed for face-to-face (F2F) learning, switched to online classes during the pandemic. This article presents an example of a Korean class that was redesigned based on the community of inquiry (CoI) model due to the pandemic. I explored students’ learning success after they took part in an online course. Using cognitive, social, and teaching presence, I investigated their satisfaction with the course compared with the full F2F courses. The data were drawn from a CoI questionnaire, students’ reflections on their learning experiences, and a course satisfaction survey. The results showed that students could maintain a similar level of social and cognitive presence in the online class, but the online class exhibited a higher level of teaching presence. The students were generally satisfied with the online course in terms of the overall quality, the instructor’s responsiveness, and the classroom atmosphere. This study provides pedagogical implications, including specific classroom activities and assessment, to enhance learning success and satisfaction in foreign language courses delivered online

Keywords community of inquiry · teaching presence · online learning · foreign language education · Korean as a foreign language

CoI focusFull model
MethodologyMixed Method
Study designSurvey, Questionnaire
Data analysisMixed Method
InstrumentModified CoI survey
ContributionMultiple contributions
Sample size32
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The Community of Inquiry is a project of Athabasca University, Mount Royal University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and the Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, as well as researchers and members of the CoI community.