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Teaching presence and regulation in an electronic portfolio
Torras, M. Eulalia and Mayordomo, Rosa

PublishedNovember 2011
JournalComputers in Human Behavior
Volume 27, Issue 6, Pages 2284-2291
CountrySpain, Europe

Teaching presence provides conceptual coherence to construct, operationalise and interpret the regulation of online learning environments. Electronic portfolios contribute to the regulatory process moving from an internalisation to an external regulation. The aim of this research is to analyse the relationship between the techno-pedagogical design of an electronic portfolio (Transfolio), the teaching presence focused on the use of the tool and the student regulation processes. This study analyses the online teaching–learning processes supported by Transfolio of two post-graduate courses by focusing on the techno-pedagogical support and on the regulation process. The nature of our research objectives leads us to use a mixed methodology based on a naturalistic observation, content analysis and comparative statistics. Results show that the teaching–learning process is characterised by the patterns of co-regulation and self-regulation. Also, results show the importance of the techno-pedagogical support provided by the teacher, not only in regard to the nature of this instructional support but also concerning how it is presented to the student and the importance that is attributed to it in the teaching–learning process, that is, what it is that assistance is offered in.

- Modest levels of cognitive achievement associated with self-regulation are found.
- This study focus on the techno-pedagogical support and on the regulation process.
- Results show patterns of hetero-regulation and self-regulation.

Keywords teaching presence · online teacher and learning processes · e-learning · self-regulation · instructional support · electronic portfolios

CoI focusTeaching presence
MethodologyMixed Method
Data analysisContent analysis
Study aim"... to analyse the relationship between the techno-pedagogical design of an electronic portfolio (Transfolio), the teaching presence focused on the use of the tool and the student regulation processes."
Finding"... the teaching–learning process is characterised by the patterns of co-regulation and self-regulation."
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The Community of Inquiry is a project of Athabasca University, Mount Royal University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and the Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, as well as researchers and members of the CoI community.