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Virtual interaction: Design factors affecting student satisfaction and perceived learning in asynchronous online courses
Swan, Karen

Published28 July 2006
JournalDistance Education
Volume 22, Issue 2, Pages 306-331
CountryUnited States, North America

This paper looks at factors affecting student satisfaction with and perceived learning from asynchronous online learning. It reports on an empirical investigation that explored relationships between student perceptions and course design factors in 73 SUNY Learning Network courses in the Spring, 1999 semester. The study found that three general factors - clarity of design, interaction with instructors, and active discussion among course participants - significantly influenced students' satisfaction and perceived learning. Such findings are related to various kinds of interactivity and a 'community of inquiry' model of online learning.

Keywords interaction · community

CoI focusFull model
Study designSurvey
Sample size1406
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A Constructivist Approach to Online Learning: The Community of Inquiry Framework
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The Community of Inquiry is a project of Athabasca University, Mount Royal University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and the Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, as well as researchers and members of the CoI community.