Teaching Presence as a guide for productive design in online and blended learning
Published | 31 January 2024 |
Book title | The Design of Digital Learning Environments: Online and Blended Applications of the Community of Inquiry Pages 68–83 |
Publisher | Routledge |
Editors | Cleveland-Innes, Martha F. · Stenbom, Stefan · Garrison, D. Randy |
This chapter reviews concepts in the Community of Inquiry theoretical framework to establish a foundation for exploring relationships between its components. The chapter presents research on the association of Teaching Presence with Cognitive Presence and summarizes conditions under which learners experience higher levels of Cognitive Presence through effective Teaching Presence. Additionally, recent work in the conceptualization of Social Presence is reviewed. Lessons for online and blended course design are extracted from these summaries of research and theory.ISBN | 9781003246206 |
DOI | 10.4324/9781003246206-6 |
URL | http://doi.org/10.4324/9781003246206-6 |
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Garrison, D. Randy; Bourne, J.; Moore, J. C.
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that asynchronous online learning can create a rich cognitive presence capable of supporting effective, higher-order learning. It begins by exploring the properties of ...
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Shea, Peter J.; Pickett, Alexandra M.; Pelz, William E.
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Dual Perspectives on the Contribution of On-Site Facilitators to Teaching Presence in a Blended Learning Environment
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Blended Learning in Higher Education
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Match: learning