An investigation into the community of inquiry of blended classrooms by a Faculty Learning Community
Wicks, David A. · Craft, Baine B. · Mason, Geri N. · Gritter, Kristine · Bolding, Kevin

Published27 December 2014
JournalThe Internet and Higher Education
Volume 25, Pages 53-62

A Faculty Learning Community (FLC) comprised of six professors representing different disciplines came together to study, develop, and teach blended learning courses. As an FLC, the researchers sought to evaluate student perceptions of the blended learning courses, measured using the Community of Inquiry (CoI) survey, and how these differed across the courses taught. In addition to this objective, a secondary objective of how the experience of learning to design blended learning courses in an FLC differed across the faculty was also explored. This exploratory case study found evidence to suggest that student perceptions of a blended course, as measured by the CoI framework, can be used to determine differences in students' blended learning experiences. The results of the study also suggest that perceived differences in blended learning experiences varied by discipline, highlighting an important area for future research experiments. An additional research outcome was that an FLC may be a useful form of faculty development when correctly implemented. For example, participating faculty benefited from participation in an FLC when they received helpful advice on promising practices and encouragement when experiencing instructional or technical challenges.

Keywords Faculty Learning Community · Blended learning · Online learning · Community of Inquiry

CoI focusFull model
MethodologyMixed Method
Study designCase study
Data analysisInferential statistics
InstrumentCoI survey
ContributionMultiple contributions
Sample size74
Study aim"Learn about blended learning as a faculty community.
Collaborate on a study about student perceptions of blended learning."
Finding"This exploratory case study found evidence to suggest that student perceptions of a blended course, as measured by the CoI framework, can be used to determine differences in students' blended learning experiences."
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The Community of Inquiry is a project of Athabasca University, Mount Royal University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and the Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, as well as researchers and members of the CoI community.