Analysing the Community of Inquiry Model in the Context of Online Learning: A Bibliometric Study
Das, Runu Mani and J. V., Madhusudan

Published19 March 2024
CountryIndia, Asia

This paper presents a bibliometric analysis of the community of inquiry model in online learning. The study focuses on identifying the most trending topics, most impact authors, most relevant sources, most relevant countries and most cited articles in the community of inquiry online learning model. Another aim is to understand the literature's factorial analysis, co-occurrence mapping and productivity mapping and the importance of the community of inquiry model in online teaching and learning. A total of 405 studies published between 2015 and 2022 extracted from the Web of Science Core Collection for the study. The results show the extent of growth of research studies in the community of inquiry model. The analysis revealed trends of productive authors and journals, and also identified the top country in terms of publishing articles. It includes a deeper understanding of the intellectual structure and conceptual evolution of the CoI model. Future research should explore advanced bibliometric mapping for CoI dynamics and the factors influencing learner engagement within the community of inquiry model, the role of teaching, cognitive and social presences, and strategies to strengthen the three presences in online learning. The study will help educators and researchers to identify the trends in relation to the community of inquiry framework.

Keywords community of inquiry · online learning · bibliometric analysis

CoI focusFull model
Study designBibliometric
Data analysisBibliometric Analysis
Sample size405 studies
Study aim"... identifying the most trending topics, most impact authors, most relevant sources, most relevant countries and most cited articles in the community of inquiry online learning model... [and] to understand the literature's factorial analysis, co-occurrence mapping and productivity mapping and the importance of the community of inquiry model in online teaching and learning."
Finding"The study found that the research output is increased related to the community of inquiry model, particularly from 2015 onwards. This upward trend suggests a growing recognition of the model's importance in online learning environments, and this resonates with (D. R. Garrison & Arbaugh, 2007; Yu & Li, 2022). Moreover, we observed a significant growth in research productivity between 2020 and 2021. This spike may be attributed to the unprecedented circumstances brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, which compelled educational institutions worldwide to rapidly transition to online learning modalities (Hodges, Charles, Moore, Stephanie, Lockee, Barb, 2020). The educational practitioner recognized the urgent need to explore effective pedagogical strategies and communication methods in online settings, leading to increased scholarly activity and publications in this area.” (p. 10)
“The identification of top-ranked journals, such as Childhood and Philosophy, Online Learning, and the British Journal of Educational Technology, shows the significance of the community of inquiry framework within the field of online learning. These journals have emerged as key outlets for disseminating research on this topic, indicating the scholarly community's recognition of the importance of the community of inquiry model in advancing online education." (pp. 10-11)
"The study also found that the model has high influence on science education and teachers’ professional growth. (p. 11)"
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The Community of Inquiry is a project of Athabasca University, Mount Royal University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and the Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, as well as researchers and members of the CoI community.