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The Relationship between a Community of Inquiry and Transformative Learning
Dempsey, Patrick

PublishedMay 2017
InstitutionLiberty University
CountryUnited States, North America

To prepare learners for success in the 21st century, institutes of higher education must provide students with meaningful learning opportunities, including participation in discourse and critical reflection. The community of inquiry framework describes the elements necessary to create collaborative, online learning environments, while transformative learning describes the content and outcomes of meaningful learning. The purpose of this quantitative, correlational study of 242 online, graduate MBA students from a business school in Maryland, was to measure the relationship between a community of inquiry and transformative learning in online, graduate business courses. Multiple linear regression analyses were used to analyze scores from the Community of Inquiry survey instrument and Reflection Questionnaire to determine if there was a significant relationship between a community of inquiry and transformative learning. Results indicated that a significant relationship existed between a community of inquiry and transformative learning. Specifically, cognitive presence within a community of inquiry was found to be significantly related to both the reflection and critical reflection constructs of transformative learning, and teaching presence was significantly related to the reflection subscale. Future studies can investigate strategies for fostering transformative learning within a community of inquiry in online courses, examine different aspects of transformative learning and their relation to a community of inquiry, and replicate the study in different populations and in different disciplines.

Keywords community of inquiry · confirmation bias · critical reflection · online education · transformative learning

CoI focusFull model
Study designCorrelational
Data analysisMultiple linear regression
InstrumentCoI survey
Sample size242
Study aim"Measure the relationship between a community of inquiry and transformative learning in online, graduate business courses."
Finding"Results indicated that a significant relationship existed between a community of inquiry and transformative learning. Specifically, cognitive presence within a community of inquiry was found to be significantly related to both the reflection and critical reflection constructs of transformative learning, and teaching presence was significantly related to the reflection subscale."
RightsPatrick Dempsey
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The Community of Inquiry is a project of Athabasca University, Mount Royal University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and the Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, as well as researchers and members of the CoI community.