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There are currently 21 active discussion topics. Log in or register to join the discussion.
Opened July 15, 2021 by Anastasios Katsaris
Thank you so much professor for bringing to our attention interesting new research on your inspirational work.
Latest post May 3, 2021 by Lindie · 9 posts
Which level is the second level?
Opened May 3, 2021 by Anastasios Katsaris
Thank you professor.
Opened January 20, 2021 by Anastasios Katsaris
Thank you professor.
Opened November 10, 2020 by Anastasios Katsaris
Thank you professor.
Latest post March 27, 2018 by Bernard Kimani · 3 posts
Prof, The proliferation of fake news and the continued attempt to silence/demobilize divergent thinking is almost becoming a virus whose effects will hit the world like AIDS. Voices like these need to be raised vouching for intellectual humility that accepts the views of others first even though you do not disagree with them. Collaborative discourse can only thrive in an atmosphere of openness, accommodation and ...
Latest post March 20, 2018 by Charanjeet · 4 posts
Many thanks for your reply Prof. Garrison. It is interesting that after submitting my project details for your further advice, I was surprised finding on page 112 of your book: Thinking Collaboratively, Learning in a Community of Inquiry ( 2016) your recommendations about IQT: "This could include asking questions, offering an insight, or providing strategic directions to the discourse. The relevance and timing of ...
Latest post November 4, 2017 by D. Randy Garrison · 2 posts
Thanks to Jens Breivik for taking the time to respond to my editorial about the cognitive presence construct and critical thinking. Such critical analysis gives me the opportunity to clarify important features of the CoI framework. Jens basic point is that the cognitive presence (CP) construct has weak validity. However, to address construct validity one must attend to the intent of the construct (what is it ...
Opened October 13, 2017 by Annette Garner
It' been so much fun working on this project. I so appreciate Marti's support and guidance. Here openness and sense of humor invite true collegial exchange of ideas. And I've keep learning and exploring my expression of CoI in courses, as well as returning to the framework to help me guide learning activity design/redesign. Our group is clicking and I feel energized by the on-going conversations and unfolding ...
Opened May 26, 2017 by kadir kozan
Dr Garrison, Thanks a lot for all those informative comments and I agree completely. Speaking of our work, one critical aspect is that data collection occurred towards the end of (online) semesters thereby mainly telling us about presence relationships at that time. The findings seem to be in line with the dynamic nature of the CoI/the presences and their evolution over time. Therefore, cognitive presence as a ...



Lailaturrahmi on The CoI Community
1 week ago
Hi Marije, I am not sure if this addresses your question, but this tool may help: Teacher Self-Assessment and Exploration Tool: ...

Damilare on The CoI Community
2 weeks ago
Hello community, I'm Dami, a student of Political Science and International Relations. From Osun State University, Nigeria. I saw this community, because I was in search of a community that would help improve my knowledge, and might get to meet students like me who wants to get better in their various courses and be ...

D. Randy Garrison on The CoI Community
1 month ago
Marije, Not sure I can be of much direct help. There is considerable research on faculty development if that would help. There is extensive research where faculty have used the CoI framework to design online learning experiences. Finally, I am not clear as to your question regarding different courses. the framework ...

Marije Lesterhuis on The CoI Community
1 month ago
Hey all, I am an assistant professor at the University Medical Centre Utrecht, the Netherlands. I am interested in the framework, as my PhD student in Kenya is using it in his PhD research. He is looking into online and blended learning. We've found already some work within medical education, but have not found much ...

D. Randy Garrison on Cognitive Presence Update
8 months ago
The easy answer is that they cannot be easily separated; they overlap in the Venn diagram. According to the diagram and theory, each can have differing influence on the educational experience (dependent variable however it is defined). Off the top I suppose that the correlation among the presences will depend on the ...

FA Triatmoko HS on Cognitive Presence Update
8 months ago
Do you think that the 3 elements of CoI need to be explained in model which explain the correlation or causality? For examples, whether CP is as a dependent variable for TP and SP. Or is it that CP, TP and SP cannot be separated in ...

FA Triatmoko HS on CoI Effectiveness and Future Development
9 months ago
Will try to look into this. Thank you for the suggestion.

D. Randy Garrison on CoI Effectiveness and Future Development
9 months ago
Perhaps use other examples of indicators from the CoI elements? To be more specific i would suggest using the questionnaire items to begin to generate corresponding indicators. Conversely we used indicators from each of the three elements to help generate CoI questionnaire ...

FA Triatmoko HS on CoI Effectiveness and Future Development
9 months ago
Thank you for your response. Do you have any suggestions on where to start?

D. Randy Garrison on The CoI Community
9 months ago
Hi Audrey, Although I had researched self-directed/regulated learning early in my career, it was a research project by another scholar that suggested integrating a self-directed learning element into the CoI framework that precipitated our work on self and co-regulation. I found a couple of fundamental issues with ...
The Community of Inquiry is a project of Athabasca University, Mount Royal University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and the Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, as well as researchers and members of the CoI community.